The Green HubBooking First Name *Last Name *Email AddressPhoneCompany Name (If Applicable)Which room would you like to book?Roly Matthews Main HallDoris Hunt RoomActivity RoomOnline RoomI don't mind - whichever if most suitable for my requirementsDo you require the use of a kitchen?YesNoWhich date(s) would you like to book?What time would you like to hire the room from? (please allow time for set up)What time would you like to hire the room until? (please allow time for breakdown)Please provide a brief description of what you would like to hire the room forHow many people will be attending your event?Do you require any additional equipment? e.g. a projector or flipchartIf you have any specific questions you would like us to answer, or if there is any additional information you would like us to know, please provide details.How did you hear about our Community Hubs? *Submit