By hiring space in our Community Hubs, whether you are offering an activity open to the public or a private event, you are supporting local communities and helping to transform lives.

We want to be able to open the community hubs more often and local people tell us they would like this too … but we need your support to achieve this.

The more people we have hiring our spaces, the more affordable it becomes for us to keep our doors open for longer and offer opportunities for people to access support.

The funds that are raised through room hire for meetings, events or regular classes and workshops, support the delivery of our essential services, so by hiring our spaces, you are also helping people from local communities’ access opportunities to improve their lives.

Being embedded in our communities and community-led we are trusted by some of the most vulnerable people, some of whom are mistrustful of statutory services. An individual’s journey may start when they step through the door to access one activity that is taking place at our hubs and then slowly they begin to trust in us and feel confident to try out something else.

Uniquely, we are then able to holistically support those seeking our help including accessing the other services we provide. We also work in partnership with around 140 other organisations, so we can help people to access a far wider range of support. Through your support, you can help us to improve local peoples mental and physical health, economic opportunities, skills and social connections; and increase agency, decision making and power.

Our wide range of modern meeting rooms, halls and community hub spaces are available to hire for meetings, conferences, training days, parties, sport groups, fitness classes, community groups, filming and more, all of which can be hired individually or hire out the whole hub exclusively.

We offer competitive and affordable rates ranging from £7 per hour to £60 per hour depending on size and facilities required. We urge you to consider our Hubs when you’re next looking to host an event or meeting, because when you HIRE A HUB you really will TRANSFORM LIVES.

Speak to our friendly Customer Services Team on 01905 453453 or email