All Parties Bulletin – Worcester Community Trust’s Board Update Q3
February 27th 2024
CEO – Jonathan Newey –
Chair – Bridget Brickley –
Trustees: Jas Cartwright, Danny Spears, Richard Soper, Philip Fowler, Claire Thompson
Observers: Warwick Neale, Rhizina Shearer, David Sutton (WCC), Lynn Denham (Labour)
Deputy CEO and Head of Skills & Training – Helen Davis
(Cadent, Wellbeing Job Clubs, Snack and Chat, Community Skills Project)
Head of Finance and Resources – Mary-Jane Bayliss
Head of Health and Targeted Services – Jo Jefferson
(Youth, Dawn, Joy/Core)
Head of Community Based Services – Jenny Gage
(Hubs, ABCD, Community Connectors)
Purpose: To share a brief summary of the subjects and outcomes from Worcester Community Trust’s Board Meetings.
Annual Pay Review – WCT will move away from a market-based rating of pay grades. We have adopted the NJC payscale to be more fair and objective. This will take place over the next 2 financial years to manage this alongside the minimum wage increase, WCT has given a 3% increase or moved people up to their actual NJC Scale. NB: National Joint Council is a body that develops frameworks for pay and conditions for local authorities. The NJC is made up of 70 individuals, 12 representing the employers, 58 representing trade unions. They negotiate annually pay scales inconsideration of job roles related to social care environments.
Building Block Update – Having considered a range of options the board approved the sublease of Building Block to GLP, a locally rooted training provider to continue the delivery of our skills and training activity from the venue. The decision was made to ensure its continued financial sustainability and achieve its contractual commitments. WCT and Worcester City Council are in the process of establishing a service level agreement with GLP to work in partnership on this next phase. WCT takes immense pride in the growth and evolution of Building Block, and are particularly grateful for the commitment of Pete Miller, who along with a his team and the volunteers created an amazing initiative.
While we recognise that this change has been challenging for those who have given so much to Building Block over the years, we also see it as an opportunity to forge a productive partnership with the new provider. This shift will allow us to keep providing training to Worcester’s residents and our service users, sustaining the project’s core mission for future generations.
Annual Budget Approved – projected £1.9m income, £1.83m expenditure.
Towns Fund Community Skills Programme – Capital programme on reception uplifts, digital access points, and increased spaces for training starting week commencing 22nd April 2024.
Community Skills Programme – Additional Job Coach and Digital Skills Programme to be recruited and start delivery week commencing 6th May 2024.
Trustee Recruitment – 2 new prospective trustees have been met with by CEO and Chair and have been invited to observe the next board meeting.
CORE – Male Wellbeing Offer – Recruited – As part of the Public Health Contract that supports our Women’s Service Joy, we have now recruited for the Male offer – CORE – The initial phase is to map pre-existing services. Learn more here The C/O/R/E Project
New WCT Social Media Pages – Like/Follow/Participate – Our Marketing Manager has reclaimed and established social pages to cover all our individual hubs and projects.
Here’s a list of the good progress that has been made. Please follow and share amongst your networks:
Worcester Community Trust Facebook Page
Worcester Community Trust Youth Facebook Page
Warndon Community Hub Facebook Page
Tolly Community Hub Facebook Page
Ronkswood Community Hub Facebook Page
KGV Community Hub Facebook Page
Green Community Hub Facebook Page
Horizon Community Hub Facebook Page
Worcester Community Trust Instagram
Worcester Community Trust LinkedIn
Strategic Objectives for 2024/25 Q1 approved.
The overarching objectives are as follows:
1. Development of Training and Skills Arm
2. Devolved Power to Communities
3. Sustain and Strengthen Service Delivery focused on Well-being & Targeted Services
4. Create a Financially Sustainable Model
5. Implement Strong Organisaonal Development
6. Work with our Partners to Develop our Assets
7. Develop Excellent Youth and Play Delivery